Design Questionnaire
Below are links to questions that we hope you’ll find meaningful in describing your goals, dreams, wishes and expectations as you begin the process of designing and building your new home or renovation. You may find this list helpful to clarify your thoughts and identify priorities, or simply as a starting point in the process. While completely optional, filling out this list will be a point of reference throughout the Design Process and will help set the stage for the initial steps in designing your new home.
One of the primary reasons to work with an Architect is to rely on their expertise in finding solutions to complex problems, or by creating desired outcomes not initially conceivable. Therefore, we place more value on qualitative information, and less on quantitative. While answering these questions it might be helpful to provide an experience or a quality of life you would like to achieve.
A few additional thoughts to consider as you answer these questions:
Use as many descriptive words as possible and think in terms of examples of your current home or places you used to live; even your friend’s homes or something you saw online.
Not everyone in your household will share a common vision or be able to understand how to make that vision a reality. Bring as much information as possible to the discussion. That way we can create something that works for everyone.
Don’t use this as a tool to solve a problem or reach a conclusion. Problem solving comes during the design process with the help of the design team.
Dream big. This is a significant investment for you and your family and will have an immediate impact on your quality of life.
Anticipate future needs. Think about lifestyle changes and how this home can be adapted to various stages of life.
Where necessary, provide examples. Collect and share images, sketches, or lists you’ve already put together.
Don’t answer every question. If something is not relevant or difficult to answer, skip it.
Click the button below to download the Questionnaire as an editable Word document. Click here for a pdf version.